Friday, December 14, 2007


My overall thought is that I was waiting the entire movie for something to happen and that something never happened. I have the feeling like I've been left empty handed after watching the The Golden Compass and, in my opinion, the first part of a trilogy has to set a hook for the audience. This movie did not.

For someone that has not read the book I found the movie lacked adequate explanation on certain aspects. Dust? Demonds? I am intuitive enough to get the jist of the entire concept, but come on, I shouldn't have to sit through this movie searching for explainations. And why are they called demonds? They were more loveable than their human counterparts. I hope the story will be better explained throughout the trilogy, though I don't know if I'll be paying to see them in theatres.

Main points:
Poor character development
Horrible fight scene
Overall lack of interest

On a good note, I might pay to see the second just to see if this trilogy can redeem itself.

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