Friday, November 30, 2007

Fishing on the Teton

So I have a buddy that plans trips for hardworking, career driven individuals like myself in Montana, and his photographs look like they're straight out of National Geo. While talking to him I realized that everyday I next to kill myself working a job so I can afford to go on my so called adventures, skiing and hiking out west and camping under some vast sky with mountain ranges lining the sky to the west and the most gorgeous sunrises to the east. I get paid a lot, he gets little, but the kicker is that he gets paid to be there in the moment everyday while I sit in my three-walled cube so I can enjoy his life in a four-day vacation. Ain't life grand!

I was at home watching Con Air of all movies and heard a quote that hit me;

"What if I told you insane was working fifty hours a week in some office forfifty years at the end of which they tell you to piss off; ending up in someretirement village hoping to die before suffering the indignity of trying tomake it to the toilet on time? Wouldn't you consider that to be insane?"

-Garland Greene, Con Air

Now I can't lie, my paycheck affords me to get some spectacular ties, and each morning I can decide to tie a single or double Windsor knot. And I now have LEATHER furniture and a new car! And I live in a townhouse with hardwood floors, granite counter tops, and a stainless steel kitchen! All the more reason for me to stay... right? Or is it all the more reason I have to stay?Stay to work and pay off debt for gadgets I don't need or particularly care about.

Sorry for the drab message, but it kinda puts me there to be here on this Friday while he's fishing in the Teton River.

Have a lovely day at work, and please, cherish your weekend...


Karena said...

leather's chocolate!!

Karena said...

nice post...very sincere

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